ingmar schumacher

(mostly) environmental economics

Public talks and courses


I give talks about climate change, education and our attitude towards nature, current and future trends, geopolitical implications, policy problems and solutions, and individual and personal actions to help nature and reduce one’s owns environmental footprint. These talks will be individually adapted to the audience. I have been a motivational speaker, a speaker at honorary events, and I have given talks in schools. If you are interested for your company, organisation or school, then get in touch. Talks can be in German or English.


I can give courses on environmental problems and their solutions, about how companies have improved their environmental footprints and what local or national governments can do to improve their environmental friendliness of their commune. I can also give shorter courses in schools about the environment, its past, current and future state, actions taken at the national and international level, and potential actions at the private level. If you are interested for your company, organisation or school, then get in touch. Courses can be in German or English.

Popular writing

I regularly write for newspapers, magazines or online outlets. Recently I wrote for news outlets such as the Financial Times, Project Syndicate, The Ecologist, Ideas For India, or local national newspapers such as Luxemburger Wort or Tageblatt. In my writing, I, for example, comment on and evaluate local, national or international environmental policies, discuss potential future strategies and implications for economic growth or society in general. If you are interested then get in touch. Articles can be in German, English and French.